Excel Still More

Missions of Mercy

Kris Emerson Season 3 Episode 51

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I need to appeal to your heart. Both your love for Christ and the nature of Christ's love within you. Jesus loves people so much. He loves those who are His and those who are not. Those who have left Him hurt Him and He wants nothing more than to find them and bring them home. But what does that have to do with you and me? 

We are His instruments of redemption. It is Christ's will that you go on Missions of Mercy to show kindness and Christ to people who are weak, people who have drifted, people Jesus yearns to have back. Do you have a heart for that? I pray you do.

- What does it mean to have a heart like Jesus?

- If Jesus is the Shepherd, and God is the Father, who is the Woman in Luke 15?

- Has anyone drifted from Christ through the pandemic time?

- What does Jesus need you to feel for them and do in His name?

- Will you go on a Mission of Mercy this week?