Excel Still More

Ep. 7 - Your Inner Circle

Kris Emerson Season 1 Episode 7

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We all have two circles:  outer and inner.  God has lots of amazing work for you to do in that outer circle!  But the power to do so comes from the energy created in that inner circle. Making intentional decisions with regard to who you allow to influence you will make a huge difference in how you influence for Christ the people God places in your life every day.  Control your inner circle:  control your life.  To learn more about these and how to take control, check out episode 7!

- What is the difference between an outer circle of neighbors and an inner circle of friends.

- How to be around someone but not be influenced by them.

- How to surround yourself with people you want to be influenced by.

- How to modify friendships when needed:  end, minimize, maximize, or begin.

- Why is it important to bring value to a friendship that has value in it for you?