Excel Still More

"Life Is Easier..."

Kris Emerson Season 3 Episode 39

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"Life is easier when you know what you want." I love this line by James Clear. He goes on to note that few people have taken the time to figure out what they want. Maybe family or culture decide that for them. Maybe they just do things in hopes of finding purpose. We can do much better than that. You owe it to yourself to take some private time and decide what you believe is worth while in your life. What do you really want? When you do this, a few really cool things happen. These things will bring a smile to your face and make life easier!

- Why do people work for things they don't really even want?

- How much time do you spend determining if your efforts are going to the right thing?

- How many valuable things to you already exist in your life?

- What will you do if something that really matters is right in front of you?

- Are you ready to accept that some things you want aren't things you need?