Excel Still More

Much More Jesus

August 23, 2021 Kris Emerson Season 3 Episode 34

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We all have challenges in our relationships at times. There are just some people we tend to argue with. There are some topics that bring out our passion and not always for the best. There are certainly life issues and situations that are very hard and aren't always handled well. This seems confusing. I mean, we are Christians. Christ brings peace. Why is there so little peace, at times, in our lives? The answer is the name we carry. We are to be "of Christ." And this, my friend, means we need Much More Jesus! Literally and actually. We need His presence, His words, His name, right in the middle of every part of our lives. This will, with 100% absolute certainly, make every single thing better.

- Why do we argue with people in our lives so often?

- Why do we let certain issues or situations get out of control?

- Where is Jesus in all of that?  

- What will begin to happen if we put Jesus right in the center of all of that?

- How can we have much more Jesus in every single facet of our lives?