Excel Still More

The Family Secret

Kris Emerson Season 2 Episode 28

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Every family is different, so it can be tough to do episodes on helping families grow. However, we all love our families. We share special connections with them. And, families are important, no matter how different they may be. As goes the families, go the churches, community, nation and world!  The power to change our collective future is found behind your own front door. So efforts to build stronger, more godly, families are worth the work!

So how do you go about making your family stronger? There is a secret. There is one thing that matters more than anything else! If you can tap into this secret today, and focus in on it, there is no limit to how much things can improve! 

- Do you want to see your family be more Godly?

- Is it easy to identify the mistakes others are making in your home?

- Do you do a lot of lecturing and pointing out the failures of others?

- Do you know the actual secret to your family and their future?

- Are you willing to start in the right place and make the biggest difference?