Excel Still More

The F.A.S.T.E.R. Scale

Kris Emerson Season 7 Episode 25

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RECOVERY (What people in recovery look like.)
No current secrets; resolving problems; identifying fears and feelings; keeping commitments to meetings, prayer, family, church, people, goals, and self; being open; being honest; mak- ing eye contact; reaching out to others; increasing in relationships with God and others; accountability.

“F” = FORGET PRIORITIES (Denial; flight; a change in what’s important)
Secrets; bored; less time/energy for God, meetings, and church; avoiding support and ac- countability towards people; superficial conversations; sarcasm; isolating yourself; changes in goals; flirting; obsessed with relationships; breaking promises/commitments; neglecting family;

“A” = ANXIETY (Getting energy from emotions.)
Worry; using profanity; being fearful; being resentful; replaying old, negative thoughts; per- fectionism; judging others’ motives; making goals and lists you can’t complete; poor planning; mind reading; fantasy; masturbation; pornography; co-dependent rescuing; sleep problems; trouble concentrating; seeking/creating drama; gossip;

“S” = SPEEDING UP (Out-running depression.)
Super busy; workaholic; can’t relax; driving too fast; avoiding slowing down; feeling driven; in a hurry; can’t turn off thoughts; skipping meals; binge eating (usually at night); overspend- ing; can’t identify own feelings/needs; repetitive, negative thoughts; irritable; making excuses for ”having to do it all”; dramatic mood swings; lust;

“T” = TICKED-OFF (Getting high on anger; aggression.)
Procrastination causing crises in money, work, or relationships; sarcasm; black and white, all or nothing thinking; feeling alone; feeling that no one understands; overreacting; road rage; constant resentments; pushing others away; increased isolation; blaming; self pity; arguing; irrationality, can’t handle criticism; defensive;

“E” = EXHAUSTED (Out of gas; depression.)
Depressed; panicked; confused; hopeless; sleeping too much or too little; can’t cope; over- whelmed; crying for “no reason”; can’t think; forgetful; pessimistic; helpless; tired; numb; wanting to run; constant cravings for old coping behaviors; thinking of using drugs and alcohol; seeking out old unhealthy people and places; really isolated; people are angry with you; self-abuse; suicidal thoughts


Returning to the place you swore you would never go again. Giving up; giving in; out of control; lost in your addiction; lying to yourself and others; feeling you just can’t manage without your coping behavior, at least for now. The result is usually shame, condemnation, guilt, and aloneness.