Excel Still More
The Excel Still More podcast is designed to help Christians excel in their faith, their relationships, and really every part of their lives. If you are interested in growth in your faith, this is the show for you. If you want to see yourself reach greater heights, achieve powerful spiritual goals, and be a better servant of Christ, we are here to help. Each episode introduces a proven principle for achieving more. Then we show how the Word of God amplifies the idea. Finally, each episode will leave you with at least one practical project so you can put these tools into action today!Thanks for joining! Live your best life in Christ, and in whatever you do: Excel Still More!
Excel Still More
Mark 13 - Daily Bible Devotional
Good morning! Thank you for taking a few minutes to listen. If you are interested in the Daily Bible Devotional, you can find it at the links below:
Amazon - (paperback, hardcover, and Kindle)
Spiritbuilding.com - (premium quality paperback)
Youtube Video Introducing the Content
Feel free to reach out with any questions: emersonk78@me.com
Mark 13
Jesus leaves the temple and announces that it will be completely torn down. His four closest apostles later ask Him about this devastating event. Jesus tells them that many things must happen first, and they should not believe those who claim to know the time of the temple’s destruction. The gospel must first be preached. The apostles would face heavy persecution before it happened. But when the attack draws near, He warns them to flee to the mountains and get far away from Jerusalem. It will be a judgment on the Jews and the destruction will be accomplished by Jesus. These things would happen during their generation. The disciples are warned not to be misled by false teachers, but to stay alert. No one knows the day or the hour.
Jesus describes the destruction of Jerusalem. It was the judgment of Christ after He ascended to heaven, but it was carried out by the Roman government. Jerusalem was destroyed, many Jews were killed, and the temple was completely dismantled. This was God’s punishment upon the Jews for killing His Son and refusing His kingdom. This took place in 70 A.D. Leading up to it, there were rumors and false prophecies. Jesus was warning about that decades in advance. The key was to stay alert and ready to go. This has clear parallels to the destruction that is coming in the final judgment and our need to be alert and prepared. No one knows the day or the hour.
Dear Father, we know You took no joy in the destruction of the Jewish city, temple, and people. Your judgment was forced by their refusal to honor Christ. They were warned, and most did not listen. Great God, we pray for open hearts and ears. Help us to commit to Christ and to wait for His return. Sadly, it will also be a judgment day against the ungodly, and it will come on a day no one knows. We want to be ready. Please discipline us to be on the alert, so we will be saved when that day comes.
Thought Questions:
- God destroyed His temple because of unbelief among the Jews. What does that tell you about how serious the Father is about faithful living?
- Before the judgment day of God, the apostles would have to face persecution and trust in the Spirit. Are you prepared to do the same today?
- There is a final day of judgment coming. What are the daily things you think and do to make sure you are always prepared for His return?