Excel Still More

Matthew 21 - Daily Bible Devotional

Kris Emerson Season 7 Episode 26

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Good morning! Thank you for taking a few minutes to listen. If you are interested in the Daily Bible Devotional, you can find it at the links below:
Amazon - (paperback, hardcover, and Kindle)
Spiritbuilding.com - (premium quality paperback)
Youtube Video Introducing the Content
Feel free to reach out with any questions: emersonk78@me.com

Matthew 21

Jesus makes His final trip to Jerusalem before His death. He is honored and praised by many as He fulfills prophecy by riding in on a colt. Jesus goes into the temple and upsets the Jewish leaders by overturning the money tables and healing the lame and blind. The next day the leaders question Him, but they are silenced by His wisdom. He goes on to tell them two parables. The first is about two sons, one of whom said he would do good and then did not do it. This was an indictment of these chief priests and scribes. The second story is about vine growers who decide to kill the owner’s son to seize his inheritance. This is a prophecy of what the Jews are planning to do to God’s Son. 


The contrast in this chapter is striking. So many followers worship Jesus as He enters the city. He heals many in the temple and they rejoice in Him. They believe in Him, and they will enjoy life in His kingdom. At the same time, the men in the temple are disrespecting the Father and have a fervent hatred for the Son. They question Him and seek to accuse Him. This same Jesus invokes two very different reactions. Sadly, Jesus knows they will not repent. He tells parables and quotes Scripture to indicate that the kingdom will be removed from them. Christ would be a rock of foundation for some and would crush others. They made their choice. Have you? 


All powerful God, Creator, and Sustainer, thank you for sending Jesus to be our Savior and King. His message is strong and demanding. But Father, He is also the source of all grace and peace. So many in this world fight His teaching and seek to eliminate Him and seize their inheritance. Great God, may we forever forsake a life apart from Jesus. Help us to always stand upon the Rock and never be crushed by it. Father, will you lead us today to tell someone about the two paths of life and show them and teach them to choose Jesus?


 Thought Questions: 


-       If you were alive in Jesus’ day, would you have laid your coat on the road and praised Him as He entered? How can that spirit be shown today?


-       Jesus said His disciples could move mountains “if you have faith and do not doubt.” How can your prayer life show God you believe that?


-       How can you avoid a hard heart that sees the evidence but simply will not believe it? Has Jesus convinced you of His Lordship?