Excel Still More

Matthew 20 - Daily Bible Devotional

Kris Emerson Season 7 Episode 24

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Good morning! Thank you for taking a few minutes to listen. If you are interested in the Daily Bible Devotional, you can find it at the links below:
Amazon - (paperback, hardcover, and Kindle)
Spiritbuilding.com - (premium quality paperback)
Youtube Video Introducing the Content
Feel free to reach out with any questions: emersonk78@me.com

Matthew 20

“So the last shall be first, and the first last.” Jesus explains this teaching with a parable. Workers are hired throughout the day, each agreeing to a day’s wage. At the end of the day, every worker is paid the same amount. Those who were there first were angry. The point here is about God’s willingness to save anyone, and our need to be humble and grateful. The disciples struggled with this at times. Later in this chapter, even after Jesus describes His coming death, the mother of James and John asks for her sons to have exalted positions. All the disciples get upset with this. Jesus informs them that the kingdom is about service, mercy, and selflessness. Jesus then demonstrates this by healing two blind men who begged for help.


Those who pridefully yearn to be first in the kingdom may miss it altogether. If Jesus had been that way, He would not have died for us, and we would be lost. The parable of the workers is designed to humble the Jews because many would later be upset by Gentiles being added to the kingdom. But it is also important for us. Maybe we are like the disciples, hoping to be rewarded for our labor. If our focus is on ourselves and what we deserve, then we miss the whole point of the kingdom. We might miss that compassion for others and service to others, even those who come after us, is what Christ and His kingdom are all about. 


Kind and caring heavenly Father, thank You for being so patient with us. We sometimes get caught up in our accomplishments and our efforts and can lose sight of the fact that we are saved only by Your grace. Give us humble hearts to be grateful to be in Your vineyard and to never compare ourselves to others. Your Son died for each one of us. He took the low place to raise us up. Give us hearts and opportunities to do the same for someone in need today in honor of our humble Savior.


Thought Questions: 


-       If you had worked all day, would you accept latecomers getting paid the same as you? How does this parable challenge you to check your heart? 


-       What does this phrase look like in your life, your home, and your relationships: “Whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant”?


-       If Jesus can stop mid-mission and heal two blind men out of compassion, how might you be able to do something like that today?