Excel Still More

Matthew 15 - Daily Bible Devotional

Kris Emerson Season 7 Episode 18

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Good morning! Thank you for taking a few minutes to listen. If you are interested in the Daily Bible Devotional, you can find it at the links below:
Amazon - (paperback, hardcover, and Kindle)
Spiritbuilding.com - (premium quality paperback)
Youtube Video Introducing the Content
Feel free to reach out with any questions: emersonk78@me.com

Matthew 15

The scribes and Pharisees are back on the scene, renewing their accusations against Jesus and His disciples, this time about the washing of hands before eating. Jesus points out how these teachers violate the actual commandments of God for the sake of their traditions. Their interpretation of the law has taken precedence over the actual teachings of God’s law! Jesus reveals this is happening because of their hearts. They should be less concerned about others’ dirty hands, and more concerned with their unholy hearts. This is set in contrast to the great miracles that follow. A Canaanite woman begs for healing for her daughter, and Christ commends her faith. Jesus heals many by the sea, as they glorify God. He then feeds another group of over 4,000 people, demonstrating His compassion once again.


This chapter features two very different categories of people. On the one hand, the Pharisees are supposed to be the most knowledgeable and righteous people in Israel. However, they prove to be harsh and hypocritical and ultimately miss out on the immense blessings of Christ. Set in contrast, a Gentile woman, who knows she is unworthy of Jesus, begs for His help in faith. All those who pursue Jesus are healed, fed, and blessed. We must be careful because knowledge is good, but only from pure, humble, and holy hearts. We must never let knowledge make us judges of others. May we always humbly bow before Christ, side by side, begging for His help and showing mercy to others. 


Kind and Loving Father, will you seed in us Your heart of compassion and consideration of others? We thank you for the Scripture, for knowledge, and for wisdom. But Lord, we pray those things do not foster within us hearts that are hard or filled with pride. Help us to never elevate ourselves and bind things on others we have no right to bind. Open our eyes to know Your Truth, and never a truth of our own will and design. And Father, keep us humble, always placing all our expectations and hope in the grace of Your beloved Son. 


Thought Questions: 


-       How can you grow in knowledge without becoming like a Pharisee? Why is your heart such a powerful factor in that process?


-       Can you have convictions and “traditions” you interpret in Scripture without weaponizing them to judge others? What does this require? 


-       Why is Jesus always saving and blessing people who know so little? How can you be like these people, even as you grow in knowledge?