Excel Still More

Matthew 9 - Daily Bible Devotional

Kris Emerson Season 7 Episode 11

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Good morning! Thank you for taking a few minutes to listen. If you are interested in the Daily Bible Devotional, you can find it at the links below:
Amazon - (paperback, hardcover, and Kindle)
Spiritbuilding.com - (premium quality paperback)
Youtube Video Introducing the Content
Feel free to reach out with any questions: emersonk78@me.com

Matthew 9

This chapter furthers Matthew’s mission of demonstrating the glory of Christ through miracles. Like the previous chapter, he lists quite a few of them: Jesus heals the paralytic, He heals the woman with 12 years of blood flow, He raises a young lady from the dead, heals two blind men, and casts out demons! The purpose of these miracles is to demonstrate some wonderful things about Jesus. First, He is compassionate. He feels for people and seeks to help them. Second, He has the power to cleanse souls of sin! The physical miracles prove His miraculous power to do all things. Third, this chapter continues to prove that there are no limits to Jesus’ authority. He controls the body and soul, life and death, and the physical and spiritual realm.


Jesus is the most wonderful gift the world has ever known. But some religious leaders refused to accept Him. They question His ability to forgive sins. They question why He dined with sinners. They even attribute His healing power to demons! They were jealous and selfish and refused to trust in Jesus and give Him the control He deserved. May you and I never let our limited knowledge and understanding foster such doubt. Contrary to these men, a desperate woman was healed, and another was raised from death by simple, trusting faith in Jesus as God’s Son. Christ acts in our lives because of our faith. May we be less like the Pharisees and more like those humble, blessed believers!


Heavenly Father, God of compassion, thank You for sending Your Son to show the world the perfect combination of power and mercy. Thank You for His willingness to feel compassion for those hurting spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Help us to see how beautifully Christ demonstrates His authority to heal and help and comfort those who fully put their trust in Him. May we be those people today, in prayer and faithfulness to Him. Lord, the harvest is plentiful. There are so many struggling and in need of Jesus. Give us the humility, selflessness, and boldness to share His name openly with others. 


Thought Questions: 


-       Has Jesus proven to you that He has the power and willingness to forgive your sins? If so, how will you approach Him in prayer today?


-       How can we sometimes be like the Pharisees in how we see others, misunderstanding how desperately Jesus wants everyone to be saved? 


-       Do you have compassion for the hurting? If this Christ-like quality is in you, what can you do today to spread the love of Jesus to another?