Excel Still More
The Excel Still More podcast is designed to help Christians excel in their faith, their relationships, and really every part of their lives. If you are interested in growth in your faith, this is the show for you. If you want to see yourself reach greater heights, achieve powerful spiritual goals, and be a better servant of Christ, we are here to help. Each episode introduces a proven principle for achieving more. Then we show how the Word of God amplifies the idea. Finally, each episode will leave you with at least one practical project so you can put these tools into action today!Thanks for joining! Live your best life in Christ, and in whatever you do: Excel Still More!
Excel Still More
Matthew 3 - Daily Bible Devotional
Good morning! Thank you for taking a few minutes to listen. If you are interested in the Daily Bible Devotional, you can find it at the links below:
Amazon - (paperback, hardcover, and Kindle)
Spiritbuilding.com - (premium quality paperback)
Youtube Video Introducing the Content
Feel free to reach out with any questions: emersonk78@me.com
Matthew 3
The last chapter of the Old Testament, Malachi 4, concludes by announcing that God will send “Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD.” Matthew reveals this man to be John the Baptist. He is Jesus’ cousin, and he lays the foundation for the teachings of Jesus. His message includes vital kingdom elements: repentance of sins, baptism in water, the Holy Spirit, and the fire of judgment. Some who come to him want the ceremonial washing but are unwilling to repent or accept the whole gospel message. John is laying the crucial groundwork for that complete gospel. Jesus, the greater One, would come after him. This begins with John baptizing Jesus as the Spirit descends upon Him and the Father speaks in approval of His “beloved Son.”
Our God wants everyone to be saved in Christ. Therefore, He is clear and concise when it comes to how to be saved. John the Baptist’s teachings help us see that. Forgiveness of sins was available to anyone who turned from sin with repentant hearts, was baptized in water, and devoted their life to obeying the will of God and His Spirit, with a healthy fear of eternal fire. All of that can be stated in a simple and life-changing way: follow Jesus. He came to do what was right and honor His Father. He was baptized in water “to fulfill all righteousness.” He then lived in the Spirit, full of grace and on a mission for God. In Him, so can we!
Wonderful Father, You are above us and greater than us in every possible way. And yet, You have communicated Your will to us so simply and powerfully. Thank You for sending John the Baptist to pave the way for our Savior. Thank you for sending Jesus to be our example, our Teacher, and our victorious King. Help us to be open to the whole gospel in a way that surpasses the Pharisees. Encourage us to live out the teachings of Jesus and to follow His example in all that we do.
Thought Questions:
- Does the word “repent” carry the same importance in your life as it did to Jesus and John? How do you demonstrate that?
- Is baptism as important to you as it was to Jesus and John? Beyond initial obedience, how do you demonstrate baptism’s importance?
- Are you living by faith in the Godhead? How do you show love and honor for the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in your daily life?