Excel Still More
The Excel Still More podcast is designed to help Christians excel in their faith, their relationships, and really every part of their lives. If you are interested in growth in your faith, this is the show for you. If you want to see yourself reach greater heights, achieve powerful spiritual goals, and be a better servant of Christ, we are here to help. Each episode introduces a proven principle for achieving more. Then we show how the Word of God amplifies the idea. Finally, each episode will leave you with at least one practical project so you can put these tools into action today!Thanks for joining! Live your best life in Christ, and in whatever you do: Excel Still More!
Excel Still More
"We Are Powerless"
Good morning! Thank you for taking a few minutes to listen. If you are interested in the Daily Bible Devotional, you can find it at the links below:
Amazon - (paperback, hardcover, and Kindle)
Spiritbuilding.com - (premium quality paperback)
Youtube Video Introducing the Content
Feel free to reach out with any questions: emersonk78@me.com
Jon Cunningham, Owner, Cunningham Financial Group
Website: www.cunninghamfinancialgroup.com
Phone: 205-326-7364
Tyler Cain, Senior Loan Officer, Statewide Mortgage
Websites: https://statewidemortgage.com/
Phone: 813-380-8487
Today's story is founding II Chronicles 20. I recommend you give that short chapter a read. Jehoshaphat and Judah teach us a great deal about how God responds to faith. But faith is more than just a word. It includes initial turning to God, casting our eyes upon Him, and obeying His will. What it does not require is our own strength to prove ourselves to Him. On the contrary, time and time again, God proves Himself to His people. He is our amazing God, worthy of worship and adoration. He fights our battles. He often just asks us to show up and be prepared. But we must keep the faith until the end. Let's explore that journey together.