Excel Still More
The Excel Still More podcast is designed to help Christians excel in their faith, their relationships, and really every part of their lives. If you are interested in growth in your faith, this is the show for you. If you want to see yourself reach greater heights, achieve powerful spiritual goals, and be a better servant of Christ, we are here to help. Each episode introduces a proven principle for achieving more. Then we show how the Word of God amplifies the idea. Finally, each episode will leave you with at least one practical project so you can put these tools into action today!Thanks for joining! Live your best life in Christ, and in whatever you do: Excel Still More!
Excel Still More
Daily Bible Devotional - Introduction
Good morning! Thank you for taking a few minutes to listen. If you are interested in the Daily Bible Devotional, you can find it at the links below:
Amazon - (paperback, hardcover, and Kindle)
Spiritbuilding.com - (premium quality paperback)
Youtube Video Introducing the Content
Feel free to reach out with any questions: emersonk78@me.com
We read through John 1 as our sample text today. Here is that content:
John’s gospel starts “in the beginning.” Jesus was the Word in heaven who made all things. After creation, He becomes the Light from heaven to illuminate our hearts. Jesus is the grace of God revealed to bring the Father’s favor. He is the Lamb of God who would die to “take away the sins of the world.” He is the Christ prophesied in the Old Testament. Jesus Christ is the greatest gift man has ever been given. John the Baptist proclaims Jesus as the Son of God, saying he has seen the Spirit fall on Him and that Jesus will be the One who baptizes others in the Holy Spirit. Jesus then begins his public ministry by calling into service four men from Galilee: Peter, Andrew, Philip, and Nathanael.
Most scholars contend that John’s Letter is the last inspired Gospel. He brings a different perspective and unique details to Christ’s ministry. The central point of his letter is belief. We must believe Jesus is the Creator. We must embrace Him as God’s Light and grace, and as the sacrificial Lamb sent to save us from our sins. The evidence from John the Baptist, the Old Testament prophets, and the Holy Spirit falling on Him testify to Christ’s identity. We must see Him as Nathanael did: with amazement and humility. Starting with simple trusting faith, Jesus takes Nathanael on an incredible journey and shows him many wonderful things. He will do likewise in our lives if we choose to follow Him.
Glorious Father, we praise Your Name for Your beautiful grace. Thank You for taking all the blessings You seek to give us and placing them in Your Son. If we will pursue Him, loving and obeying Him, we will be forgiven and saved forever. Great God, we ask you to take us on a journey like the four men who followed Jesus. Overwhelm us with Christ’s glory. Then take us places we have never been, show us things we cannot imagine, and use us
in ways we never thought possible. Lord, we believe. Show us ” how to follow Jesus.
Thought Questions:
Is Jesus your Creator? Is He God’s greatest gift to bring grace and hope into your life? Why are those questions important?
John the Baptist was a great prophet, but he always redirected glory to Jesus. How do you direct all glory to Christ?
If Jesus showed up today and said, “Follow Me”, would you go? How is He already calling you to do that in your life?