Excel Still More

Faith or Foolishness

Kris Emerson Season 6 Episode 33

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Jon Cunningham, Owner, Cunningham Financial Group
Website:  www.cunninghamfinancialgroup.com   
Phone:  205-326-7364

Tyler Cain, Senior Loan Officer, Statewide Mortgage
Websites: https://statewidemortgage.com/
Phone: 813-380-8487

Every decision you and I make that we hope or contend involves God is to be a FAITH DECISION. That is, it must come from knowledge of His nearness and be made to reflect our trust in Him. Anything, any decision, that refuses to do that, is FOOLISHNESS. That sounds simple. But it is not. Because we often rationalize and justify our choices. We look at circumstances and people and what is needful in the moment. And while it may not be what God said, or what we know is right, it becomes right to us. And this is deception and foolishness. 

We need to learn from Saul in I Samuel 13. He had all the reasons in the world, and felt like he'd acted in faith. But God rejected him and called his heart into question. Saul's son Jonathan, on the other hand, did incredible things, God's way, because he knew God was with him. In the end, life isn't about doing the wise thing or the foolish thing, as our own reasoning will often conflate the two. The question is - does this decision in my home, work, life, church... does it trust God. Is it patient, humble and willing to wait? And if I choose any of the 99 other roads, can I stop and call that what it is? Foolishness. God's way is always right. Choose faith.