Excel Still More

Ep. 56 - Seven Billion Dollars

Kris Emerson Season 1 Episode 56

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Seven billion dollars is a whole lot of money!  For most of us, it is next level inconceivable really.  Could you imagine what it would be like to have that much money ... in debt? What if you owed it to someone.  Would you just give up on life?  Would you beg for mercy?  Let's talk about how that connects to Jesus.  And, just as importantly, how Jesus' compassion upon us should be living in our lives.  The ESM journey is about taking in from the love of Christ and then letting that love live through you more and more each day!

- How would seven billion dollars change your life?

- What if you had seven billion dollars... in debt?

- How would you react to being that far in the hole?

- What would it mean to have every single penny forgiven?

- How must the mercy of Jesus toward you live in the way you forgive others?