Excel Still More

Starting with Heart

Kris Emerson Season 4 Episode 59

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"How do we raise faithful kids?" I have asked that many times and been asked that many times. We often answer with environmental factors. We need to raise them in a Christian home. We need to surround them with Christian people. We need to give them a daily serving of the Word of God. All of these are great. They are major factors, but they do not determine the salvation of yourself, nor your children.

There have been people with all of those aids who did not love God. And there have been people with none of those benefits who became humble servants of the King? Why is that? What is truly at play?  To help with that, I want to tell you the story of king Josiah. He had a heart like David's heart and it made ALL the difference. 

I hope this episode brings about better questions between parents and teens. I hope it helps you dig in with questions for yourself. Questions about what you believe, how you feel about God, and how must you know that God loves you. In a believing heart all things are possible. But without such a heart, no other factor will save us.

- Why is a spiritual environment so important in raising faithful kids?

- Why doesn't that always work? And why do people in the world come to Christ?

- How does the heart of a person and the choices of their heart factor in?

- Can you make someone have a tender heart? How can it be developed?

- What kind of an environment will you build if you have a tender heart for God?