Excel Still More

Crying "Abba Father"

August 22, 2022 Kris Emerson Season 4 Episode 40

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Have you ever cried out "Abba Father" in prayer? It is found three times in Scripture. Jesus did it in Mark 14:36. Jesus seems to be doing it through us in Galatians 4:6. And we are all, having been adopted by God, to cry this out to the Lord in Romans 8:15.  There is this cool progression from Jesus, to Jesus in us, to us. Credit to Ryan Goodwin for sharing these great thoughts recently.

You can find his sermons on our church YouTube channel.

But what does it mean? How are we crying "abba" which represents a child-like adoration, but also "Father" which is a phrase uttered from understanding and respect. Let's explore the nature of child-like humility. But not just in prayer. Let's explore that Abba Father cry in terms of how we view the day in front of us. And let's cry these words as we offer to God our juvenile faith, in confidence that He accepts us and nurtures us forward and upward to better things.

Here are James Clear's quotes referenced in the episode:

"Children are joyful and treat each day as a miracle—in part because they are continually surprised. 

Each day, they hear a new word or listen to a new song or learn about a new animal. It's their first time visiting that restaurant or jumping in that pool or riding that rollercoaster. The world is continually unfolding before them. 

How can you introduce more surprise into your life as an adult? How can you renew your sense of childlike wonder?"

"In the beginning, your skills are raw, your knowledge is sparse, and you lack experience. At best, you will be able to produce work that is "just okay." And even then, you'll only manage to reach "just okay" by giving your best effort. 

Nobody wants to produce something that is "just okay." You'll feel like it's beneath your standards. You'll worry about what others think of you. You'll wonder whether you would be better off taking a different path. But it is impossible to reach that stage unless you are willing to work through your current stage. 

And so, one of the main obstacles between who you are and who you could be is courage. The courage to keep trying even if you're not yet as good as you hope. The courage to keep trying despite your fears of what others may think. The courage to keep trying without knowing how the future will unfold.

Your great work is on the other side of your early work. The only way to be exceptional later on is to have the courage to be "just okay" right now. This is how it is for everyone."