Excel Still More

Let's Save Everyone!

Kris Emerson Season 2 Episode 22

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Why can't everyone be saved? Do you have to have family members who are lost? Is it written somewhere that most of your friends won't be saved? NO!  The message of Christ is for all men. God wants to save all men. The Gospel has the power to save everyone! Our attitude towards evangelism ought to be optimistic and hopeful.

Every single person who comes to the realization of the foolishness of their choices is ready to be saved by God. His grace is refreshing to all who have experienced life without Him... and that's a lot of people! Will you and I be the messenger of hope for people who suffer? We can and we should. Let's look at an amazing story in Acts 27, where everyone was saved, and draw strength to share that message with everyone we know!

- Is it true that most of the people we know will not be saved?

- Is God's message more optimistic and hopeful than that in Christ?

- So who can be saved? And what must they realize to actually find salvation?

- How were 276 people saved in Acts 27 and what does it teach us about God's grace?

- Are you ready to find the hurting and tell them about the mercy of the Healer?