Excel Still More

The Salvation Issues

April 25, 2022 Kris Emerson Season 4 Episode 20
Excel Still More
The Salvation Issues
Show Notes

Most Christians are familiar with sentences like this: "This is a salvation issue." Of course, only Jesus decides such things. And while it may be alright to say such at times, it is often more about my personal convictions and, by the way, my side of the issue is always the saved side! lol.

There is room to show people in Scripture that some issues make the difference between heaven and hell. Though we must be very careful to make sure it is what the Scripture actually and clearly teaches. But here is something that is absolute:  if Jesus says it is a matter of heaven and hell, then that's exactly what it is. Can we agree on that?

Today I want to show you a chapter where Jesus lays out 3 Salvation Issues. No amount of label making, partying up, or loud sermons can supplant these issues or substitute for them. If we want to be saved when the Savior comes, we must have full lamps, growing talents, and active hands.

- Who determines if an issue is a matter of personal conviction or a salvation issue?

- Why is it so important to us to draw deep lines in the sand with our personal convictions?

- What did Jesus say will matter in the judgment when it comes to being prepared for Him?

- What did Jesu say will matter when it comes to "ing" living and using what we have?

- How important is service to others when it comes to the final judgment and eternal destiny?